
Calico: Magical Girls Running Cat Cafés~

Created by Kells

Calico is a calm and cozy cat cafe simulator where you pet cats, decorate your cafe, and hang out with witches and magical girls!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're going to have a magical character creator! + next goal info!
about 5 years ago – Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 01:35:27 PM

Ahhh we hit the magical character creator goal! That is amazing! We're SO SO excited to make it!

Onto our next stretch goal!! *drum roll*

Animal Customization!

The animal customizer is a feature that will allow you to do a couple of things! The first is dressing up adorable animals in little clothing items, like collars, hats and bows!

                                                   example: my real cat in a real shark costume
example: my real cat in a real shark costume

The second will be creating cats and dogs! You'll be able to customize certain traits like fur color and size to create the pet of your dreams <3

Note: This will be a much more limited option than the "Your pet in the game tier", as the reward will involve creating a perfect representation of your beloved pet, who will live on in the full game forever! Including name, mannerisms and even a few more personalized traits we'd love to include!


Kells was on a podcast as well! Check it out at  I Think You Two Would Get Along!

Thank you for all your support, and lets see if we can knock out this stretch goal before we're done!

70% Oh My Gosh!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 03:21:42 PM

Andrew and I cant even describe how we feel about hitting 70% in the first two days. We love this game so much, and it means everything to us that so many other's feel the same way about it!

I am currently trying to get through our inbox and the questions on our socials, and will be posting frequent questions onto our FAQ soon.

We were also featured places which is REALLY COOL:

PC Gamer

Rock Paper Shotgun

My Potato Games

Can You Pet The Dog

As a tribute, here is one of the first ever glitch gifs we ever posted to Twitter way back in early 2018. It also works as an accurate representation of how we feel.

Thank you so much again for your support. We've seen people working so hard on telling all their friends about us, or increasing their pledges. We're looking into adding new rewards, including being able to add the art book as an add-on for other tiers, and will announce on here when we do!



Holy Cats We Made It!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:05:30 PM

We don't have the words to express how much it means to us that we made out goal. It feels like only four days ago, we had no idea if we were going to make it or not! (Wait, you're saying that WAS four days ago??)

We're not done yet though! Some pretty big features that we want to implement require a bit more funding to be able to achieve them!

The first is a character creator at $45,000! This will be a full 3D in-game character creator for you to be able to make your own playable character! This includes skin tone, body type, gender, hair color and style, as well as outfits! 

Note, this is different from the "become a magical person" tier, as that includes becoming a character that will be in the town, and will involve exact customization ability, since we're making it special for you!

We are also pleased to announce we will also be releasing in Japan along with the US and Europe! Oh my gosh!

Thank you again, let's see how far we can go!~

- Kells